Thursday, December 26, 2019

The International Development Program At The University Of...

I am pursuing doctoral studies in the International Development program at the University of Ottawa under the supervision of Dr. Rebecca Tiessen. I have completed the coursework portion of the program in addition to one of the two required comprehensive examinations. I anticipate beginning the field research outlined below in the Fall Semester of 2016. The main topic I will address in my research pertains to the perceived and real changes in gender roles and relations in the post-conflict context. I am interested in shifts in both masculinities and femininities and how these shifts are perceived both by gender equality focused organizations and by the general population. This will provide a more nuanced view of the situation of gender equality efforts on the ground to elaborate on the data provided by gender indicators used by international development actors. In order to build a clear picture, I will explore this topic through three sub-questions. First, how are changes in gender roles and relations perceived by gender equality focused organizations and by the general population? Second, to what extent are men and masculinities considered in this process? Finally, how do these perceptions compare to any progress made according to gender equality indicators used by international development actors, such as those reflected in the Global Goals for Sustainable Development or the Human Development Index. My objective is to compare the theoretical trajectory of gender and

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